The legend says...

The "The Sky & The Angel" collection was inspired by Ivan, founder of the Velmo brand, during his travels through the hills of Tuscany. One day, standing on the top of a green hill at dawn, Ivan saw an unusually bright combination of heavenly light and dark clouds replacing each other. This vision of heavenly beauty and earthly grandeur inspired him to create a collection that would reflect the two sides of life - light and dark.

Ivan wanted these bags to remind us that each of us has a light and a dark side, and it is their combination that makes us whole. The "The Sky & The Angel" collection is designed to inspire its owners to seek harmony within themselves and around them, despite all the trials and storms.


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If you are not sure about purchasing a bag, or something confuses you, write to support or directly to the store owner’s Instagram to resolve all issues. Owner's Instagram - TAP